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Academic Standards & Notices

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Academic Standards

Wisconsin Act 55 (section 120.12(13)) of the State Statutes requires school districts to notify the parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school district of the student academic standards that will be in effect for the school year. We will be providing this notice electronically through a link on the district website.

Additionally, the school board must annually include an item on the agenda during the first meeting after July 1 that clearly identifies the student academic standards.

The academic standards previously adopted by the D.C. Everest School Board that will be in effect for the 2022-2023 school year include:

  1. Wisconsin Common Core Standards for English/Language Arts and Math K-12.
  2. Next Generation Science Standards K-12.
  3. Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies.
  4. Wisconsin Physical Education/Health Standards.
  5. Wisconsin Standards for Music.
  6. Wisconsin Standards for Art and Design.
  7. National Core Arts Standards for Music and Visual Arts.

These current standards reflect the “Common Core State Standards” as formerly adapted to Wisconsin by the Department of Public Instruction (as of the end of 2014-2015 school year).

D.C. Everest Area School District

Jeff Lindell, Ed.D.

Assistant Superintendent of Learning

1699 Schofield Avenue, Suite 300

Schofield, WI 54476

The standards may be viewed here by subject:

Special Education Voucher Program
Beginning in funding year 2017, a child with a disability is allowed to attend a participating private school of the child or the child's parent's choice, if that child has previously been rejected from attending school in a nonresident district under the open enrollment program. An eligible child may begin attending an eligible school at any time during the school year.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this letter, please feel free to contact me.

Casey Nye, Ed.D.